Indosat makes the delivery of the latest BlackBerry BlackBerry On Demand Daily, complement other BlackBerry service has been launched by Indosat as BlackBerry On Demand Weekly, Monthly On Demand BlackBerry, BlackBerry mail and chat, and BlackBerry Regular Matrix.
BlackBerry Daily On Demand, or BOD BlackBerry Daily is a service that can be activated per day in accordance with customer needs.
BlackBerry On Demand Through daily to budget customers can control their own telecommunications want BlackBerry service when it is active in the handset. Customers simply type in the Daily send to 889, the BlackBerry service can be activated per day.
Promo price valid Rp6.600 per day effective until December 31, 2009. Prices include VAT, unlimited use of the feature with the BlackBerry and the BlackBerry APN GPRS tariffs Rp1/kb for browsing with WAP, which is valid until December 31, 2009.
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